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Launch Your First Funnel And Scale Your Business Online With No Website or Complicated Funnel Software

The 1-Page

Funnel Training...

The simple funnel video training that will show you how you can grow your online business with a simple sales funnel... FAST.

Why Your Website Isn't Selling...

I know everyone is proclaiming that websites are dead, but this is only half true.

Your website serves a specific purpose.

However, when it comes to selling, you don't want to hope that when someone finds your website they have to navigate their way through a series of menus to find your products or services.

A funnel on the other hand is a simplified, albeit a strategic, sales process that walks your prospect through a series of directed steps until they come to your offer. This is your opportunity to make the sale.

If you've purchased anything from Amazon, Ebay or even when you've purchased anything in a store or in person, you've been through a funnel!

So tell me...

Do You Want A Website Or A Funnel?

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With a website your leads could enter your site on any page including any number of blog articles, your service or about page and occasionally, the home page.

That's a lot of hoping!

Hoping that they actually find your sales page and you make the sale.

So why not just simplify the process?

By directing your leads through a funnel, you get to direct them through a series of steps to ONE specific page where to your offer. They can't get lost or distracted and you increase your chance of making the sale.

However... If You're Not Careful, Your Funnel Could End Up Looking Something Like This...

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...A Funnel with more steps than the Eiffel Tower!

And that's in addition to the complicated software that could take you months to learn before you can even start selling.

But What If Your Funnel Looked More Like This...

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This is the kind of simplicity I use with my clients to help them simplify the sales process.

It's the same simplicity I show you inside this video training.

And here is the thing...

A Funnel Is Expandable!

You can add to it as well as take away from it - to an extent. But the idea with this mini training is to get you started small so you can scale big.

You can expand your funnel once you understand both the mechanical and the psychological fundamentals of online selling.

And remember...

A funnel is just a simple sales process to move your prospect from your invitation to buy to actually buying your offer.


How to build your first funnel even if you're just starting out and have ZERO dollars

The quickest route to making more sales with this easy to create 1-page funnel that's scalable

How to make more money from your leads with zero extra traffic

The #1 tool for simplifying your sales funnels - and no, it's not ClickFunnels


The 5-Step Perfect Product Outline so you create your first product in hours, not weeks.

The easy niche selection process that most marketers complicate

The zero cost software that will still enable you to build a high converting sales funnel

This is a $37 mini course, but you get to pay what you can (minimum $7). No catch!

This is simply my solution to the recurring question I see inside many forums asking, "which software should I use to sell my product?" Then the affiliate sharks pipe up with complicated software suggestions most people don't need, and many newbies cannot afford!

Still Have Questions? Here Are A Few Q&A's For You...

Is This Beginner Friendly?

It certainly is, though once you know the mechanics of a funnel you can make it as big and complicated as you wish.

I'm Not At All Techie. What Do I Do?

Every piece of software you use is going to have a bit of a learning curve, but both pieces of software I recommend have excellent step-by-step tutorials that walk you through the basic setup to help you get familiar with the software.

Will This Training Expire?

You get lifetime access to the training so no, there is no expiration period.

Can This Work For Any Product

Absolutely! Though I do make a recommendation for those who want to create a digital product to sell

Will You Build My Funnel For Me?

I can do, but this is subject to a consultation with us to establish your requirements and give an overview of the product/service you want to sell.

Is There A Guarantee?

Of course! :-)

I guarantee that if you watch the training and implement what you learn, you will have a complete funnel and a solid understanding of selling online.

If for some reason you don't feel that is true, then you can request a refund within 30 days from the day you purchased the training.

But if you're like most people, you'll wonder why funnel building has been made so complex because this will change your business, and for some of you, it will change your life!


Once dubbed by Internet Marketer, Alex Mandossian, The Blogging Queen, I started building blogs online before blogs was a big thing. I cut my teeth on SEO which meant structure.

I went from everyday blogging to using WordPress as a sales funnel - again before funnels were a big thing. I help online business owers set a solid foundation for more sales and offline businesses take their business online.

Today, I utilise cutting edge, easy to use software that simplifies the sales and funnel building process, speeds up time to market and accelerates growth.

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Your FIRST (or Next) Funnel Is Only A Click Away...




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